$185.00 Canadian. CEUs 4.0 9:30-5:30
Description: This workshop will be taught primarily through therapist hands-on participation, demonstrations, group participation and discussion. Therapists will learn and practice regional advanced proven treatment techniques Paul uses to address low back pain. Effective treatment positioning and techniques will be discussed and practiced.
This workshop will be taught primarily through therapist hands-on participation, demonstrations, group participation and discussion with a focus on engagement techniques addressing: low back pain, restricted hip movement, selected knee issues, plantar fasciitis. Therapists will learn and practice regional advanced treatment techniques to be more efficient and effective in accessing and treating functionally problematic issues in the lower body. This one day workshop will focus on treating above mentioned issues via common case presentation of each symptom mentioned above to effectively look at the symptomatic presentation in order to support the clinical reasoning and rationale for techniques used and client positions. Self care exercises along with stretches for client associated issues will be discussed and demonstrated. In addition, safe hand positions will be discussed and demonstrated.
Lunch will be provided at this workshop.