Nov. 9 & 10, 2014 (Newcastle) Both Clinical assessment and Advanced upper body treatment …Using Dynamic Angular Petrissage(DAP)

The Vault 31 Station Road, Wallsend, Newcastle, United Kingdom

You are registering for both workshops in Newcastle on Nov. 9, 2014 and Nov. 10, 2014.  Clinical assessment for the upper body and Advanced upper Body treatment techniques using Dynamic Angular Petrissage(DAP). Note: £130 for  one course and £230  if you register for both...savings of £30. Of course you could leave a deposit of 115 and the rest […]


Advanced Upper body Treatment Using Dynamic Angular Petrissage(DAP)(Toronto, Oct. 19, 2014)

Roding Community Centre 600 Roding Street, 'Toronto, on, Canada

Oct 19, 2014   220.00  tax and lunch included     8:30-4:30pm Advanced Upper Body Treatment Techniques using DYNAMIC ANGULAR PETRISSAGE(DAP) with Paul Lewis, BA, RMT, NCBTMB        CMTO 8 HOUR WORKSHOP  4 CEUs category A  ABOUT DAP: Do you want to work more effectively with your clients with less stress on your own body? Do you want to […]
