Post Surgical – DAP

Treatment for : Post surgical pain syndrome(PSPS), Cording/Webbing, Lymphedema treatments


What is Dynamic Angular Petrissage(DAP) Technique?post mastectomy care

Post Mastectomy Care: This is an advanced treatment technique used to help with restricted range of motion and pain  stemming from  post mastectomy focusing on  minimizing rehabilitation time.   Paul also has experience treating patients for cording/webbing:

clients write: “The visible, thick cord(s) in my axilla are about half as prominent. The difference is startling.   I can extend the arm fully without that familiar, annoying tugging pain just below my elbow. The whole web or cord system seems to have relaxed to the point where I can basically move my arm how I want, with little-to-no pain. The wrist and elbow areas were the most annoying in terms of pain (although less visible) – and these are where I’m feeling a massive relief. ”

Articles below are examples of patients treated using DAP in Canada, USA and England.

Dynamic Angular Petrissage:  Not deep, rather detailed

DAP is not a deep pressure treatment but because of the detail work involved, the client on occasion may feel as if it is. Each client may interpret and feel different based on their own response to touch. For example, a post-surgical mastectomy client from North Carolina writes:

“This method of massage that I have never experienced before uses your own body for resistance and movement to work muscles and goes deep into muscle groups for optimum results. While his methods are painful at times, the end result is well worth the discomfort. In the course of two sessions, my range of motion improved and level of pain decreased. This method should be a must for all massage professionals who work with surgical patients to get them on their feet and moving sooner than later.”


How does it work?

DAP is comprised of combinations of established techniques, which if administered skillfully, can result in a powerful method of treatment that is gentle on the therapist and can produce positive results for the client.

The fundamental idea behind this form of treatment is using light petrissage techniques, muscle stripping, segmental stretching or myofascial release techniques in combination with the use of levers to change angles, lengthen and shorten the muscles. It can be extremely gentle and helpful for clients with varying levels of complication, from leg lengthening, Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), frozen shoulder, mastectomy, breast augmentation and reductions, whiplash, thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, hip and knee replacements, and more.

We cannot prevent conditions like GBS, frozen shoulder or carpal tunnel from occurring; however, given the massage therapist’s scope of practice, we can maintain, rehabilitate and augment physical function in a person who is rendered dysfunctional by a condition. I have used DAP in these aforementioned situations with positive results.

Canadian Therapist Invited to Present at Cancer Centre – Paul Lewis

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Title: Advanced Upper Body Treatment Techniques including Dynamic Angular Petrissage(DAP)

This workshop will be taught primarily through therapist hands-on participation, demonstrations, group participation and discussion with a focus on engagement techniques using Dynamic Angular Petrissage (DAP). Click here to read more about this workshop.