Advanced Upper Body Treatment Using Dynamic Angular Petrissage(DAP)
Certificate of Participation will be sent out and given.
Requirement: Tank top of short sleeve shirt. Just a little lotion
The Technique can also be used over the clothing with or without lotion.
Dynamic Angular Petrissage(DAP) treatment technique’s intent is to gradually release any constrictions on the fascia, muscles and connective tissues without engaging the stretch reflex (protective contraction), and to thereby interrupt the deleterious cycle of pain, fear of pain, and physical guarding against anticipated pain. This in turn facilitates an alternative proprioceptive environment that allows (rather than forces) tissues associated with the target tissue to release. The goal is to reduce all sources of tension and thus regain the original resting length of the tissue. This treatment approach can have immediate and powerful effects on muscle and connective tissues, and can be effectively applied to soft tissue injuries in both acute and chronic situations.
This workshop will be taught primarily through therapist hands-on participation, demonstrations and group discussion. Therapists will learn and practice regional advanced treatment techniques to be more efficient and effective in accessing and treating functionally problematic muscles and fascia in selected upper body regions such as the neck, back, arms and shoulder girdle. This workshop will start with a common case presentation of a client to effectively look at the symptomatic presentation in order to support the clinical reasoning and rational for techniques, modalities, treatment positions and structures you plan to address. A quick review of specific course related muscular and skeletal structures followed by the introduction of Dynamic Angular Petrissage(DAP) which will be used to augment the treatment and reduce treatment stresses on the therapist. Therapists will be introduced to and practice the various treatment techniques, modalities and treatment positions based on the evaluation of the case presented. Postural positioning for safe application of techniques along with self care exercises will be introduced and practiced. Postural positioning for safe application of techniques along with self care exercises will be introduced and practiced. In addition, how to manoeuvre and support the clients limbs with minimal effort. Segmental stretching and triple Knuckle stripping will be demonstrated and practiced- technique which allows control of depth for treating large back muscles.
1.Demonstrate proficiency in Accessing, Activating and treating various muscles in the upper body
2.Demonstrate the ability to apply the concepts of DAP to augment massage treatment
3. Identify and demonstrate postural positioning for safe application of techniques
4. Learn and practice upper body treatment techniques to reduce stress on the therapist
5. Learn and practice techniques for supporting and mobilizing the client during treatment applications to reduce stress on the therapist and to protect the client
6. Reliably demonstrate the ability to determine through reasoning which(MSK) structures to address
7. Reliably demonstrate the ability to transfer DAP from the table treatment to the client in the wheel chair
Learning outcomes;
Students will demonstrate proficiency in:
A. Safely mobilizing the client’s limbs for “able body and non able body”
B. Moving the clients limbs while treating using DAP techniques
C. Controlling applied pressure on target tissue with minimal effort to the therapist.
D. Clinical reasoning and rationale as to which areas to address and why
E. Treating a client on the massage table and in a chair or wheelchair
Case Study, Appropriate anatomy review,
Introduction of Hand saving techniques,
Body Mechanics, Advanced techniques,
Problem solving and reasoning ,
Client comfort